Missionary kids playing in the rain and mud puddles

First Rain!

When we arrived in Mango at the end of August (2023) everything was green! Rainy season lasted through September. October is known as “Bug Month” – but it wasn’t too bad this year. Harmattan is the “cool” and dusty/dry season from December to February. March and April have been brutally HOT months. The land is parched and everything looks brown. And then …. the first rain! We had a couple of little, late-night teasers, but the first real storm hit on a Friday afternoon at the beginning of April. Everyone came outside to dance in the rain and the MKs immediately started a game of mud soccer. Even the pigs in town were happy! It continues to be hot and muggy here in north Togo, but the green is coming back.

Living Wax Museum
Heading Toward the Finish Line
15 49.0138 8.38624 1 0 4000 1 300 0