
All the Critters

I wouldn’t really call us “animal people” … but we have had some pretty cool pets since living in Africa. It started with a couple of Senegal parrots. Lately we have also shared our home with a hedgehog and a chameleon. We often get the see (and smell!) a herd of cattle, sheep and goats,...CONTINUE READING

Sovereign Over Us

We attempted to send out an update in October, but the month completely got away from us. God knew. He had different plans. We were going to write about the wonderful start to the academic year at the MK school and the glorious rains that we were enjoying. And then the rain became TOO MUCH....CONTINUE READING

Back in Mango

We have been back in Togo for a little over one week and have begun to settle back into life in Mango. What a joy it was to be in the United States this summer and to take part in so many different activities:  visiting supporters and reporting to churches, spending family time in the...CONTINUE READING

The End of the Beginning

“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”  Winston Churchill’s famous quote from WWII seems to apply well to us this week.  We have just completed our first year as teachers for the ABWE missionaries in Mango, Togo.  Within...CONTINUE READING

Heading Toward the Finish Line

Plane tickets have been purchased!  Our family will be flying to the U.S. on June 18th, and we plan to return to Togo on August 27th. We look forward to being with our sending church in Idaho and visiting other churches as we are able.  Another main purpose of our trip is to spend time...CONTINUE READING
Missionary kids playing in the rain and mud puddles

First Rain!

When we arrived in Mango at the end of August (2023) everything was green! Rainy season lasted through September. October is known as “Bug Month” – but it wasn’t too bad this year. Harmattan is the “cool” and dusty/dry season from December to February. March and April have been brutally HOT months. The land is...CONTINUE READING

Living Wax Museum

This spring, our students at the MK school participated in a Living Wax Museum. Each student was required to select one person (living or dead) who had made some kind of significant contribution to history or culture. The were required to research their character’s life, complete a biographical lap book, design a table display, put...CONTINUE READING

ABWE’s 5oth Anniversary in Togo

We got to experience a little taste of what Heaven will be like when we attended the 5oth anniversary of ABWE’s ministry in Togo. Saturday, March 23rd, was an unforgettable day as we gathered with over 3,000 Togolese brothers and sister in Christ to celebrate all that God has accomplished in this small west African...CONTINUE READING

Togo Teen Retreat

We just got back yesterday from an amazing youth retreat in the south of Togo. Last Saturday, Valerie and I, with the teens from the north, made the 8-hour van ride down to the Southern Hospital, where we were able to meet the MK youth group from down there, which was a really encouraging experience....CONTINUE READING
The Mouser family posing with an elephant

Next Steps

Our ABWE colleagues here in Mango have recently voted to approve our extension of service as teachers for the missionary kids in northern Togo for the 2024/2025 school year.  We will have a record number of MKs at the school next year since all the families who serve at the Hospital of Hope and at...CONTINUE READING
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